The Good Guys Dishwasher Installation



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The Good Guys is here to help you with your dishwasher installation needs. Our fully certified technicians will provide a professional installation service for your newly purchased dishwasher. We start by carefully unboxing and inspecting your dishwasher, checking for any defects or damage. Our techs will then perform a complete ...more
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Important Information

The Good Guys

Technical Specs +

Delivery: No
Unboxing: Yes
Product Inspection: Yes
Disconnection of old appliance: Yes
Installation: Change over installation.
Testing: Yes
Demonstration: Yes
Clean Up: Job related debris removed.
Removal of old appliances: No
Compliance Certification: Job safety analysis.
Not included: Travel beyond 30 kilometres from store of purchase, Delivery, any cabinetry works, expansions to existing cable and pipe channels, any plumbing works, any electrical works, additional water inlet extensions, additional drainage extensions, additional electrical cable extensions.

Buying Guide +