Philips RO Water Station With Aquaporin Inside Hot, Cold And Ice Maker

* 6 Litre water tank capacity* Purified ice cubes* Boiled water in seconds* Ultra-cold preservation technology keeps the water below 5C for 3 hours* Variable water temperatures: Chilled, Ambient, 45C, 55C, 85C or 100C
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of $399.75
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Important Information

  • 6 Litre water tank capacity
    Total Capacity

Technical Specs +

Type: Water Station
Total Capacity: 6 Litre water tank capacity
Additional Features: Produces 8 ice cubes every 8 minutes, Up to 7kg of ice cubes per 24 hours, Plug and play; no installation required, Filter lifetime indicator, Anti-burn for protection and safety, Self cleaning mode to clean water pipes regularly, BPA free, 6 Stage filtration, 2.4L per hour cooling capacity

Buying Guide +