Lelit Package of 20 Single Dose Burrs Cleaner

Keep your Lelit coffee grinder performing like new with this package of 20 single dose burr cleaner bags. Specially formulated for all Lelit coffee grinders, each 15g crystal detergent bag effortlessly lifts away old coffee oils and residue from burr blades with no need to disassemble the grinder. Maintaining your grinder's burrs ...more
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Technical Specs +

Type: Coffee Machine Cleaning
Pack Quantity: 20 single dose bags of 15g crystal detergent per single dose bag
Additional Features: For cleaning and maintenance of all Lelit Coffee Grinder burrs, Easily clean grinder burrs regularly without disassembling the grinder uni

Buying Guide +

GUIDE: Coffee Machine Buying Guide |

Presented by The Good Guys

Manual, automated or capsule coffee machine? This Buying Guide will help you find a machine you'll love for years to come. Learn more