Karcher Cartridge Filter




Tired of dealing with a clogged filter in your Karcher vacuum? This replacement cartridge filter is just what you need. Designed to fit WD 4-6, KWD 4-6, and MV 4-6 wet and dry vacuum cleaners, it'll keep your machine running smoothly. The brown filter is compact and lightweight at only 75 grams, measuring 163 x 104 x 50 mm. So go ...more
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Important Information

  • Vacuum Filter
  • 0.075
    Product Weight (kg)
  • Wet and dry vacuum cleaners without also having to change the filter.
    Additional Features

Technical Specs +

Type: Vacuum Filter
Colour: Brown
Compatible Products: Krcher WD 4-6, KWD 4-6, MV 4-6
Product Weight (kg): 0.075
Product Dimensions (mm): 163 (L) x 104 (W) x 50 (H)
Additional Features: Wet and dry vacuum cleaners without also having to change the filter.

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