Durapres Inducto Go Portable Induction Cooktop

* Exact temperature and heat control with 4 heating modes* Temperature probe for internal temperature monitoring* 18 Different temperature options* Time and temperature display
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Important Information

  • Portable Induction Cooktop
  • Induction glass cooktop

Technical Specs +

Type: Portable Induction Cooktop
Wattage: 1800 Watts
Construction: Induction glass cooktop
Programs: 18 Different temperature options, Heating modes - Including power level, pan temperature, food temperature and liquid temperature
Dimensions (mm): 355 L x 350 W x 63 H
Weight (g): 2.5kg
Additional Features: Digitech controls, Time and temperature display, Easy Grip Handles, Easy to adjust dials, Monitor the internal temperature of your food via the Temperature Probe
What's In The Box: Portable induction cooktop, temperature probe with holder
Manufacturer's Warranty: 2 Year

Buying Guide +