BH Fitness NLS12 Program Elliptical



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Transform your home gym with the BH Fitness NLS12 Program Elliptical. This high-quality elliptical features 24 resistance levels and 9 pre-set programs to help you achieve your fitness goals. The backlit LCD display clearly shows your workout stats like speed, distance, watts and calories burned. Built with a 10Kg flywheel and 30cm ...more
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Important Information

BH Fitness
  • 9
    Pre-Set Programs
  • Speed/RPM, Distance, Watts/Calories
    Workout Stats
  • Yes
    Heart Rate Sensor

Technical Specs +

Type: Elliptical
Display: Backlit LCD
Resistance Levels: 24
Pre-Set Programs: 9
Workout Stats: Speed/RPM, Distance, Watts/Calories
Built-In Speakers: No
Heart Rate Sensor: Yes
Bluetooth: No (upgrade to Bluetooth with the optional Dual Kit, sold separately)
Flywheel Type: 10Kg
Max User Weight (kg): 110
Weight (kg): 39
Additional Features: European design and engineering, 4x Heart Rate Control Programs, Body Fat Test, 4x User Profiles, 30cm Stride Length, Handlebar heart rate sensors
What's In The Box: Elliptical, Instruction Manual, Assorted tools for assembly

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